The Most Convincing Persuader of his Contemporary Audience

Persuasion is an art which should be diligently mastered in order to convince the audience. Persuasion is nothing but convincing someone to accept ones thoughts and ideas without any inhibitions. An Indians Looking-Glass for the White Man by William Apess, published in 1833 is one of the foremost convincing addresses ever delivered.   This essay explores the qualities of the most convincing persuader, William Apess by analyzing his essay An Indians Looking-Glass for the White Man.

Apess has crafted the essay in the most convincing way by the careful selection words, phrases and other literary devices. He has attempted the essay with an explicit oratorical style and he every often uses direct address style. He has been tremendously influenced by the traditional Native American oral performance and the writer poses several questions which begin thus Now I ask, and Now I would ask (1516) and this appear as though Apess is addressing a group of people directly. Apess uses the prose Having a desire to place a few things before my fellow creatures(1517) in order to survive as well as maintain a standard quality in their writing.

Wordplay is an important literary device whose use is a common practice in the modern society. For instance, the white neighbors of Apess are described as who have no principle and once again in the following paragraph asked if the Indians are men of talents. Though the terms principle and talents generally refer to financial aspects, they are also made to refer to moral, cultural and intellectual properties and thereby establishing a pun in the language used. Through his tactful approach, he has made the people believe that they are superior even to well-off whites and from a cultural and religious point of view. Every argument is devised to establish the unprincipled actions of the white men in the most convincing manner.

Metaphorical description is another important device which is used profusely by Apees in order to convince his readers and achieve desired effects. Being corrupted, due to an aversion developed to describe a black skin, confirms the belief that black refers to corrupt and holy and political beliefs. Irony is yet another rhetorical device used by Appes who states that we are living in a place full of black, whose degree of blackness is ten times more than the black color found on someones size.  

Apees outbursts looking at the plight of the Indians at the hands of the English soldiers. He not only relates the anxiety of the Indians with the Blacks, but also accuses the whole of the US for robbering their own land and finally cover over the dance. Racism was very much in vogue during Apees period. So the people save money to attack each other based on search and have avoided using the time in the nation-building process. Inspite of the bleak environment for the Indians, Apees concludes the essay with an optimistic note Do not get tired, ye noble-heartedonly think how many poor Indians want their wounds done up daily the Lord will reward you, and pray you stop not till this tree of distinction be leveled, and the mantle of prejudice torn from every American heartthen shall peace pervade the Union. (1519) On the whole Apees essay is the most convincing essay which persuades the reader to support for the cause of Indians in America.


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