1.  It has been said that travel is the best form of education. What did the hero Gilgamesh learn from his travels
    The travel of Gilgamesh started when he decided to become immortal and search Utnapishtim to gain the secret to immortality. During his quest, he found the secret plant that restore his youth and give him immortality, but instead of having the plant all to himself, he decided to share it with his people in Uruk.  By deciding to share the plant, Gilgamesh learned the value of love for his people.
    This also signifies that Gilgamesh can change for the better. The theme of change prevails throughout the story. It is especially evident when Enkidu appeared and became Gilgameshs friend.  Gilgamesh was a man of pride and great power, but after meeting Enkidu, he changed and showed a different personality. By meeting Enkidu, Gilgamesh learned to be compassionate, friendly, and unselfish.

2.  It has been said that travel is the best form of education. What did the hero Odysseus learn from his travels
    It took a number of years for Odysseus to travel back home to his wife in Ithaca. During those years, he faced many hardships and troubles along the way. Odysseus learned the valuable trait of perseverance and sacrifice. He did not give up on his struggle and mission to go back to his home. Another trait he learned, which is the most important thing of all, is humility. Odysseus, with his skill in leadership in war and shrewdness, was humbled by the power of the gods. He was no match for the power of Poseidon and so he endured years of hardships just to get home. Upon returning home, once again he showed humility by disguising and not revealing who he really was. Odysseus was a king of his island and a great leader to his men during the Trojan war. The lesson of humility truly showed Odysseus what it is like to live a life full of hardship. He changed and learned a lot of things upon his return home.

3.  Some authors want the works they compose to deliver a message to their audience. What was the message Homer wanted the Odyssey to deliver
    Homer wanted to convey a lot of sub-messages in the Odyssey, but the central theme that he wanted to show was coming home after a journey of hardships.  The return and redemption of the hero was the underlying message in Odyssey which suggests that every journey has to end. The hero will ultimately have redemption after undergoing a series of transformation that will change him into a better man. Another message was the initiation and transformation of a boy into a man. This was clearly shown by Telemachos, the son of Odysseus, who grew up without his father but still hoped for his return. 

4.  Some authors want the works they compose to deliver a message to their audience. What was the message Dante wanted the Inferno to deliver
    Dante wanted to show to the audience all the sins that man is capable of doing. In Inferno, Dante successfully categorized every sin man can commit, giving each sin a degree that befits its punishment. By showing the nine circles of hell and what the sinners are going through, Dante wanted the audience to look at themselves and examine the major sins they have committed. He wanted to show the consequences of sin and that every evil deed never goes unpunished. Dante depicted a terrifying hell with the sinners being subjected to the most horrifying and painful punishment. The message was clearly intended to terrify the audience so that they would repent and refrain from committing the deadliest sins.


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