Exploration of the New World

1) What are the main motivations for Spain and France to colonize in the New World    There were three motivations for the Spanish and the French in colonizing the New World.  These can be summed up by the three Gs  Gold, Glory and God.  They colonized new lands for prestige as well as for the purpose of enriching themselves through the natural resources and being Catholic countries, an opportunity to win more souls to the Catholic faith in the light of the Protestant Reformation in Europe by spreading Catholicism in the lands they conquer which was why missionaries accompanied expeditions.

2) Who is the target audience for each of these accounts Who is the intended audience for each reading    De Vacas account was addressed primarily to the king of Spain.  This was primarily a report of what he experienced during his expedition where he described his ordeal in detail.

3) Who is the most trustworthy source out of the three explorers and explain why you made the choice that you did.

    Among the three, De Vacas account has more credibility.  He told it honestly like it was and he did not try to fabricate or use any rhetoric in describing his ordeal where he nearly perished.  He described how his attitude towards the natives and his compassion and sympathy to natives and how this contrasts to the attitudes of the other conquistadores who exploited them (De Vaca).


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